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Enjoy with Confidence

Our basis for safe and sustainable products

Management System and Company Guidelines

With our management system and company policies as a basis, our goal is to develop and expand our product range in a sustainable manner - from the cooperation with our suppliers and comprehensive quality management up to sustainability along the entire supply chain. 

Our company’s control and monitoring systems and our strict compliance with all requirements are audited by external auditors on a regular basis, and in conjunction with our own audits enable us to achieve a high degree of control, transparency and engagement in our processes and operations. What does that have to do with sustainability? Well, we are convinced that only people who know what they are doing and how and why can also effectively align their actions, indeed down to every detail, in a way which ensures they are consistently sustainable, considerate, and environmentally-friendly.

And even more: The Code of Conduct commits us as individuals to act with particular care and attention, and completely of our own accord. Furthermore, each of our suppliers is urged to act and do business in line with this commitment to quality, environmental protection, respect and appreciation.  


Market and Demand

Customers shape and determine the success of our company. Demand-based and sustainability-oriented business and actions harmonise perfectly together. Our customers are very interested in sustainably produced products, gentle and eco-friendly methods and processes, and a partner who plans for the long term and acts proactively and with foresight. The market and business requirements are virtually congruent here.

Our central elements

Wollenhaupt on-site – development and qualification of suppliers

Being reliable and showing respect means going local, travelling. Getting our own impression of the people, the production conditions, the situation in the country. How is sustainable agriculture actually implemented in practice? What are the conditions, what are the options? Our experts are out in the field, in discussions, building relationships and providing support, advice and assistance. 

Important Wollenhaupt values:

  • Reliability: We visit suppliers regularly and establish long-term partnerships.
  • Respect: We promote and develop local structures; we help empower the people, in partnership with them.

Smallholder farms, local cooperatives - it is the people involved who are vital here. Together, we develop strategies to produce the best qualities, to even exceed the legal requirements in cases of doubt, and to enable truly profitable and environmentally-friendly generations of revenues on a sustained basis.
At Wollenhaupt, implementing sustainability is lifelong work.


Classic certifications

What seemed unusual 15 or 20 years is now one of the standards of a truly sustainability-oriented company, and has long been a familiar, indispensable guide for many consumers: product labels, logos and seals. Wollenhaupt offers certified products from various organizations and programmes that address the issue of sustainability in different ways and forms. Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, ETP and organic certifications – the diverse wishes and preferences of consumers warrant various standards, and Wollenhaupt accommodates them all.

Certifications at Wollenhaupt

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