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@Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

Healthy Diets for Tea Communities

Social Commitment and Involvement

Wollenhaupt Tee GmbHWollenhaupt Tee GmbH

The goal of the “Healthy Diets for Tea Communities” project is to ensure better, healthier and more nutritious diets in the tea-growing regions in India, Kenya and Malawi.

Wollenhaupt Tee supports the project as part of its membership in the Tea Trading section of the Ethical Tea Partnership (ETP), which aims to provide healthy diets in the tea communities in India, Kenya and Malawi by implementing a range of initiatives and measures between 2020-2023. 


In the following, we would like to give you a brief description of the goals and activities of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and ETP in these countries.

In Malawi, the project is assisting about 29,000 farm workers and 6,500 farmers. With support from GAIN and ETP, the quality of the lunch-time meals is being improved. In addition, the project supports the local residents in growing a larger variety of agricultural crops along with small vegetable gardens. Cooking demonstrations and short training sessions help to raise the workers’ and farmers’ awareness about healthy eating and nutritious foods.

In Kenya, training and communication campaigns aim to improve the knowledge about healthy diets amongst small-scale farmers and farm and factory workers in the tea communities – a group that comprises up to 30,000 people in the country. Promoting nutritious food in shops and markets will raise the demand for nourishing, healthy products by the local people. In addition, the project will focus on improving the availability of healthy produce, such as sweet potatoes, as well the accessibility to seedlings for fruit plants. Growing a broader assortment of crops on the farms and in small vegetable gardens will also be promoted through the project.


The objective of GAIN's project activities in India (Assam) is to reach up to 110,000 farm workers in tea communities as well as their families. The focus is to make their diet more nutritious by establishing small stores that offer healthy, wholesome and affordable products. These stores will be managed by the tea communities themselves. Access to nutritious products will be supported by DharmaLife, an organisation dedicated to alleviating poverty by helping people help themselves. The tea communities will learn more about healthy diets through events in schools, street theatre, and educational TV campaigns.

For more information about the project, please click here.

The goal of the project is to prevent malnutrition among tea community workers and their families and to make their diets healthier. With this as the aim, the project ensures access to safe and nutritious food and increases the demand for it.

For a short informative journey into the tea-growing region of Assam, click here.


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