Day Booster
  • Dosage: 2 heaped tsp (per 250 ml)
  • Brewing Time: 10-12 min
  • Brew Temperature: 100°C
  • Flavouring: spicy
  • Flavour: Coffee, Chocolate
Article No: 43727034003203727039

Day Booster

Wollenhaupt Tee GmbH

Flavoured blend of spices and herbs


This tea blend provides that extra boost. An aromatic, delicately spicy blend with mate, green and black tea and guarana seeds for that extra caffeine kick. In its taste, this creation skilfully combines spicy ginger with liquorice and cocoa seeds to become a full-bodied breakfast companion.

  • High natural caffeine content
Important Notice

For food safety reasons, always use boiling water to steep herbal, spice and vegetable blends and brew the tea for at least 5 minutes!

Labels and Variety Cards

Also order printed labels and variety cards for this tea!


Packaging Unit: 2 kg

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